Jun 19, 2017
There are a handful of times in my life that I can remember being on top of the world. My energy was through the roof, and I had to quickly share the experience with someone. The natural highs in life.
For me, these highs most often come when I am connecting people, ideas, or opportunities. Or when I am challenging the status quo and encouraging others to do the same, to not just take something at face value. Thus, the creation of Finding My Future is probably making a lot of sense.
For such a long time I felt as if there was something wrong with me. Like I didn't fit in the world because I always saw and interpreted things differently. It took me 30 year to realize that these talents were given to me in order to serve the world. Once I had the realization, I had to follow with action.
What about you? How can you get to a succinct phrase, or a few unique talents? As a starting point, ask yourself these 3 questions...
Please take time to ponder these questions...the answers will guide your future, and your fulfillment. I would love to hear what you came up so comment below if you're willing to share your unique answers!
NOTE: If you'd like to learn more about how we help teens answers these questions, explore possible paths and design a compelling future...you can read more HERE.