Does Your Future Excite You...
Or Exhaust You?

A process to help you define your uniqueness,
explore your options and take ownership of your path. 

Let Me Check It Out Tell Me More (VIDEO)

How It Works

The program was designed as an easy to use self discovery and planning process, all administered through a powerful question based framework that helps you to quickly identify your unique strengths and how they will contribute to an exciting future!


The first step is to define a complete picture of who you are, so that you become fully aware of your current reality; documenting the things that are working...and things that aren't.


The next step is to explore your unique gifts, abilities and interests. What you enjoy, what you don't. Then identify the things you are curious about learning and exploring as potential paths for your life and career.


The final step is to claim a future that excites you by writing down your aspirations, sharing them with the people closest to you, and committing to do what's necessary to get there.

Is The Current System Is Letting You Down?


Part 1: Awareness

You are unique. You have gifts, talents, and a heart unlike anyone else. But in order to understand what those really are, you need to dig deeper than what subjects you get good grades in, or what a teacher may or may not think is a good fit for you. Understanding what your most authentic future might look like starts by getting clear on the things that are working, and admitting what isn't (despite appearances).

Part 2: Exploration

There are many opportunities in the world that you may not know exist. There is also something perfect for you. Let’s explore what that may be by looking at specific gifts and abilties you have and what that might look like as a degree, as internship, job shadowing...maybe even starting your own thing? The only way to figure out the possibilities is to explore all the options. 

Part 3: Design

Once we have determined a destination – we need to have a plan. One to share with parents, friends, employers, etc. so that they can hear it directly from you, and support you on your journey. And although this plan will give you a level of clarity you maybe didn't know was possible, it's yours and yours alone, and is always subject to change as you pay attention to the results you get, continue learning, and course correct as you progress.

Program Details & Pricing

We provide a pricing option for everyone's style; whether you want the 'Do It Yourself' version or prefer additional Coaching and Support along the way.